Atma Season III funded on Kickstarter! Available in 2025!

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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

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Coming to Kickstarter May 30, 2017

Meromorph Games

The brand new Norsaga: Odds and Endings expansion is coming to Kickstarter on Tuesday, May 30, 2017. As with our last campaign, we'll be offering low-cost international shipping, fun custom pledge levels, and some cool stretch goals! This expansion adds tons of new gameplay elements while enhancing the overall Norsaga experience for new and returning players alike. We hope you'll join us in May to check it out and pledge your support!

If you'd like to be reminded when the campaign goes live, you can follow us on Kickstarter, subscribe to our mailing list, or follow us on social media.

Read all about the new expansion here.